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The Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Luc Terlinden, wants a “missionary” Church and Catholics who roll up their sleeves

The Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Luc Terlinden, wants a “missionary” Church and Catholics who roll up their sleeves
The Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Luc Terlinden, wants a “missionary” Church and Catholics who roll up their sleeves

In this context, his appearance at the Major Catholic Conferences this Monday, January 20 was expected. For the first time in public, the “primate of Belgium” could formalize his roadmap for his institution. In a good hour on the platform of the Great Conferences, he did not decide on the very concrete questions that arise in parishes (future of bell towers, support for increasingly isolated priests, renewal of church factories, etc.) but he defined the posture which should be, in his eyes, that of the Church.

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A “witness” Church

His approach and his observation initially seem obvious. Luc Terlinden took note of the place “smaller” which is that of Catholics within society, despite the existence of numerous communities”“boiling” et “enthusiastic”. This place “plus humble” is not the end of the world, suggested the archbishop in tune with his predecessor, Cardinal De Kesel. It is undoubtedly more adjusted to the prescriptions of the Gospels than the cultural and societal hegemony which the institution enjoyed until the 20th century.

However, Luc Terlinden is not satisfied with such an observation. He never stopped repeating it, he wants a Church.”missionary”that is to say a Church which shares what makes it live not for “return to the past”but to share the “joy of the Gospel”. Understand the nuance: Luc Terlinden is not particularly seeking to multiply the party’s cards, but to favor an institution.meaningful” who is a witness”of the love that God has for all men”. With this in mind, “the mission is the reason for being of the Church”he insisted, noting that she had not sufficiently responded to this call in the past, in Belgium.

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Swim against the tide

Therefore, Catholics must “evangelize” non “by proselytism” (force or constraint), but “by attraction”. To do this, Christian communities must be “radiant” et “welcoming”serving “of the smallest and poorest”anchored in the “Word of God” (the Bible), proposing beautiful celebrations, and announcing above all not a morality, but “the heart of faith” : that is to say the love and closeness that Jesus, Catholics say, “door to everyone”.


To illustrate his point, Mgr Terlinden broadcast two videos, the choice of which was not innocent. Two young recent converts (a woman and a man) testified to how reading the Bible, going to mass, going to confession and making a commitment had changed their lives. Alongside social commitment, such a reminder of the central place of prayer and the sacraments (mass, confession, etc.) in the lives of Catholics is interesting: we have heard it less in recent decades, and it testifies to the expectations that run through a young generation concerned with transcendence. A “generation TikTok” explained Luc Terlinden, some of whom now meet God on social networks via influencers who testify to their faith. Support these young people “full of fire and sometimes radicality” is a beautiful and big “challenge” for the Church, underlined the archbishop.

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Without denying the difficulties encountered by the institution (including the scandal of abuses in the face of which the work is not finished), Luc Terlinden therefore outlined his wish for a Church “meaningful” et “radiant”even if it means “swim against the tide out of fidelity to the Gospel”, with “authenticity”consistency” et “humility”. “We cannot fight for respect for all human life if we do not match actions with words, if we are not welcoming and open to human distress, to the distress of a mother, to the distress often expressed half-heartedly. word from a person who may be thinking about euthanasia. It is by being close and serving that we can be authentic with humility.”

A vast program which will require Catholics to roll up their sleeves.



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