Kaolack, January 21 (APS) – The authorities of the Kaolack region (center) say they want to take up the challenge of community support, mobilization and participation to successfully organize the ninth edition of the national day of citizen mobilization ”Setal sunu rééw”.
”We realized that there is a double challenge facing us, in particular that of the support, mobilization and participation of the populations and the mobilization of heavy resources,” indicated the governor Mohamadou Moctar Watt.
Heavy resources will be mobilized by the National Integrated Waste Management Company (SONAGED). These heavy resources will reinforce those which will be deployed by the Kaolack town hall, underlined the administrative authority, during a meeting of the Regional Development Committee (CRD).
This meeting was devoted to preparations for the national citizen mobilization day, in the presence of the various services and other entities involved in the organization of this human investment activity.
The citizen mobilization day ”Sétal sunu rééw” will be held on 1is February 2025.
The governor of Kaolack indicated that this CRD made it possible to see the measures to be implemented for the successful organization of this day dedicated to the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security.
Several speakers noted, with regret, the non-involvement of populations, associative and sports movements as well as certain grassroots community organizations (CBOs).
The Association of Real Automobile Artisans of Senegal (REVAAS) has committed to providing a mechanical excavator and a truck.
”The second challenge relating to membership, mobilization and participation, we intend to deploy a communication campaign, with the support of the municipality with advertising spots on the various radio stations of the square and we intend also mobilize the school population which is extremely important,” said Mr. Watt.
-”If everyone wherever they are gives their all, there is real hope that we will succeed in this mobilization,” hopes the head of the regional executive.
He recalled that last Friday, a decision was made to ”pass the message to the imams so that, in their sermons, they can raise awareness among the populations in the sense of their support and participation”.
For this edition, the Kaolack region intends to shine through cleaning and weeding activities in the Fass Cheikh Tidiane, Medina Baye and Medina Mbaba districts.
In these neighborhoods, the streets and public squares will be cleaned, as well as the eradication of illegal dumping and weeding. It also cleans the cemeteries of Medina Baye, the Samba Dione high school in Gandiaye, the public square of Thiaré, the market and the surroundings of the Keur Socé health post.
Similar activities are planned in the two other departments of the region: Nioro du Rip and Guinguinéo.
Both SONAGED, Kaolack town hall and other structures have promised to provide heavy resources and small equipment for cleaning and waste collection.