A 40-year-old man from Gruyère was imprisoned in mid-January, accused of sexual abuse by five women. Two of them were only 11 and 15 years old at the time of the acts, which were allegedly committed between 2010 and 2022. In the region, the incarceration of the forty-year-old caused talk. This man is none other than the father of the little girl murdered in November 2018 in Vuadens (FR) by the woman with whom he shared his life, reports “La Liberté”. According to the Friborg daily, the latter, now aged 30, and sentenced to life in prison, herself took legal action for sexual abuse, and filed a request for review of her judgment.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office confirms the existence of five complaints and declares that the investigation is underway. According to our colleagues, these women describe the accused as impulsive and sometimes brutal. According to the thirty-year-old, who has always maintained her innocence, and her lawyers, these new elements could encourage the magistrates to question the potential role of this father in the events which led to the death of her 2 and a half year old daughter. The defender of the latter will not add anything at this stage. Pending his trial, the accused remains presumed innocent.
In 2022, during the first instance trial for assassination, Me Christian Delaloye, one of the defenders of the thirty-year-old, denounced a “massive judicial error”, faced with a file deemed “incomplete”. He recalled that doubts remained, particularly as to the seminal fluid present on the girl’s sweater at the time of the discovery of the body. Traces which, at the time, had been attributed to the sexual relationship maintained, a few hours earlier, by the father and his partner.
Victim or witness to sexual assault?
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