Launched by godparents of the HARUTYUNYAN, SETTOUF AND SOUMAHORO families
Garejin, Meri, Arkadi and Rada HARUTYUNYAN, Mohamed, Wahiba, Imad, Randa, Chifa and Ismaël SETTOUF, Mariam and Koro SOUMAHORO.
These families have been with us for several years in Pays de Tulle, with the sincere intention of settling there permanently. This translates in particular to looking for a job, learning the language, volunteering within mutual aid associations, sending children to school, and engaging in sporting activities.
The parents are young and wish to contribute to the common good, the children are aged from a few months to 12 years old, some were born in France and others no longer speak the language of their country of origin. At a time when we despair about the aging and depopulation of our territories, they represent a real opportunity.
These families, who have often fled danger in their countries of origin, aspire to peaceful and active integration, and they respect with dignity the rules applied to them. Despite the difficulties, they have gradually built balance, established links, attracted the sympathy of those who frequent them.
However, for several weeks, they have been faced with brutal decisions of expulsion from French territory and house arrest, taken without taking into account their backgrounds and which risk separating them or subjecting them to arbitrariness.
Faced with this situation, we, citizens of Tulle, have mobilized to accompany and support them, ensuring that their rights, their integrity and their humanity are respected.
-We, godparents of these people, are the first signatories of this petition
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Petition addressed to the Prefect of Corrèze
For the lifting of expulsion measures from the territory and attacks on the freedom and security of the Harutyunyan, Settouf, Soumahoro families
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