On the occasion of World Radio Day, Senegal will host the 2nd Media Summit on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction in Dakar on February 13 and 14, 2025. Placed under the theme: “Radio at the heart of communities: together facing the climate challenge”, this summit will explore ways to strengthen the use of radio as a tool for awareness, education and mobilization
A press release received by Lejecos indicates that this international meeting, organized by the African Broadcasting Union (Uar), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (Undrr) and Radiotélévision Sénégalaise (Rts) will bring together journalists , experts, climatologists/environmentalists, policy makers and representatives of civil society to discuss the crucial role of radio in the fight against climate change.
The release explains that in a hyper-connected world, radio remains an essential medium, particularly in rural areas and isolated communities. According to him, its ability to reach a wide audience, its portability and its resilience make it an essential tool for disseminating vital information on climate change and encouraging prevention.
The summit will aim to share best practices, in particular by exchanging experiences on the use of radio to raise awareness of the climate emergency; to strengthen the capacities of journalists and radio producers in the field of climate and to promote partnerships between the different actors involved in the fight against climate change.
-Bassirou MBAYE
Source : https://www.lejecos.com/Sommet-des-medias-sur-les-…