Mimi Touré denounces an unprecedented crisis of ethics and morality

Mimi Touré denounces an unprecedented crisis of ethics and morality
Mimi Touré denounces an unprecedented crisis of ethics and morality

In her speech, Mimi Touré stressed that this moral crisis affects all levels of society. “We are experiencing an ethics crisis at every level,” she said.
“Medical supplies intended to be free are sold illegally in dispensaries, and at every opportunity in the face of the public good, some choose to help themselves first. »
She also called for a “revolution in ethics and morality,” insisting that laws, while important, are only a reflection of a society’s values.
“It is the revolution of ethics and morality that must be considered because ultimately the legal texts are a reflection of our society because the law is a codification,” she said.
The Democratic and Patriotic Reflection Framework (CRDP-50), the organizing structure of the panel, aims to support the dynamic of change in Senegal.
According to its initiators, this platform aims to be a “tool for trading prospective ideas relying on the strength of collective intelligence to promote the autonomy of thought”. The objective is to enable the country to better understand the issues of its sovereignty and its development.




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