Due to lack of snow, several sled dog races are regularly canceled. This year, in Saignelégier, the international competition is open to teams on wheels. Called “green races,” these events allow mushers to compete in all weather conditions.
For the walker in the Franches-Montagnes, at first glance, everything seems normal: in a snowy landscape, huskies pull a sled. But upon closer inspection, he can see that the sled is on wheels. Indeed, at nearly 970 meters above sea level, the snow cover is currently too thin to allow traditional skiing or sledding.
Due to global warming, Daniele Tock and Thierry Maurer have been leaving for several years with their team to spend a few weeks in Sweden. However, to practice all year round, the musher couple also opted for conventional bike and tank training.
“Polar dogs, huskies, do not only work a few weeks or a few days a year. Throughout the year, we can share training and outings with them,” explains Daniele Tock on Tuesday in the 7:30 p.m. of the RTS .
A first to perpetuate the competition
On Saturday January 25 and Sunday January 26, the Saignelégier sled dog race opens to wheeled teams. The introduction of green races allows teams to compete even in the absence of snow. “This will allow us to show all the sports that we can practice with these dogs,” rejoices the breeder.
By opening the competition, which will bring together 800 dogs and more than 120 crews, to wheeled teams, the organizers are thus ensuring the annual recurrence and sustainability of this event.
“For the region, this event will become a tradition in the calendar. We hope that this will encourage people to come and discover the event with the dogs as well as all the activities planned,” underlines Daniele Tock.
-Huskies are all-terrain athletes
The versatility of huskies is well known. Pulling a hitch on wheels rather than on blades poses no problem for them. However, these dogs prefer snow, the higher temperatures reduce the distances covered, which are then shorter than the usual 20 or 30 kilometers. The speed is also lower.
“The Siberian husky is ideally suited to running in temperatures well below freezing, around -10 degrees. When temperatures rise to 10, 15 or 20 degrees, the husky finds it more difficult to exert physical effort,” underlines Thierry Maurer.
TV subject: Olivier Kurth
Adaptation web: Miroslav Mares