Was the system in place so defective as to justify reform?
“In my opinion no. Working with Pôle Emploi, France Travail… we know how to do it, and for a long time. Certainly, our system can be improved, but it works. And between “perfectible”… and what they want to impose on us, it There is a margin. In the text of the law, we find the expression “control and sanction” 80 times. It is a bit embarrassing. We already control it, and the sanctions already exist, they range from the abolition of the law. half of the allocation to radiation There are perhaps some efforts to be made to be more efficient, but it did not work so badly. Besides, the experiments carried out since last year in the other departments have not yet done so. “subject to an official, objective and quantified return, which is a shame since the law already applies.”
“In the text of the law, we find the expression “control and sanction” 80 times. It's a bit embarrassing. »
What is the state of affairs in Haute-Vienne at the time of the implementation of the reform?