Resumed in 2022 after a few years of dormancy, the Haute-Loire Departmental Equestrian Tourism Committee (CDTE 43), chaired by Franck Barioz, held its general meeting.
The office first looked back on the last few months marked by strong investment by members at several levels. The members continued their major rehabilitation project of the La Caracolade circuit which is made up of five days of hiking for a total of 143 km.
Always with the aim of introducing riders to equestrian tourism, the CDTE 43 also organized a day departing from the Vovady farm (Montregard) and a hike with the discovery of the stag bellowing, in collaboration with the local ACCA of Siaugues-Sainte-Marie.
Regarding this new year, CDTE 43 is offering a program of meetings open to all riders: a workshop to learn how to put on a shoe, in the presence of a farrier at the Ranch des Orgues (Espaly, March 23 ) ; a day hiking from the Écuries de l'Aventure (Le Brignon) to discover the upper Loire valley with a visit to the castles of Arlempdes and Beaufort (April 6); an outing to the Herm equestrian farm (Saint-Julien-Chapteuil) as part of the national horse riding day organized by the FFE (May 25); an outing to Siaugues-Sainte-Marie with the discovery of the stag roar (September 27). At the same time, CDTE 43 will provide support during several events.
-Contacts. Jean-François Martin at; Franck Barioz on; email: [email protected].