Near the Musée d'Orsay (7th arrondissement), this Friday morning, the day seemed completely normal. Visitors wait in the cold before entering the museum and some photograph the statues which sit in the square.
No trace remains but a few hours earlier, during the night, these same statues were the targets of several individuals. The latter placed bracelets hostile to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) on these cast iron sculptures representing women, symbols of the six continents of the globe, as well as on statues representing animals. “For example, there was a bracelet on the elephant's foot,” indicates the Musée d'Orsay, which specifies that it immediately filed a complaint.
The individuals were quickly spotted by the agents responsible for surveillance of the place and the museum immediately called the police. For the moment, no information confirms or denies the arrest of the criminals.
-This anti-abortion action comes as the 50th anniversary of the Veil law, which decriminalized abortion in France in 1975, is being celebrated on January 17, 2025. On Thursday, nine students, activists of Action Française, were condemned for having vandalized a bust of Simone Veil, in La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée).
The installation of these bracelets also recalls that of the numerous anti-abortion stickers stuck on Vélib's all over the capital, in May 2023. An action claimed by the collective “Les Survivants”. For the moment, neither Action Française nor the Survivors have claimed responsibility for the action near the Musée d'Orsay.