Companies are currently carrying out a fraudulent canvassing campaign, by telephone and e-mail, under the Val d'Oise Rénov' departmental system.
For several weeks, many Valdois residents have been receiving emails or calls from companies claiming to act under the “Val-d'Oise Renov'” system. Some of these companies even go so far as to use the official Val d'Oise logo.
Here is the type of messages you may receive during these canvassing: « As part of our Val d’Oise Renov’ operationwe will pass through all the communes. During this period, you can book a free visit with a technician for the following topics: the installation of photovoltaic or thermal solar panels, wall insulation, attic insulation, installation of a heat pump, etc. »
In no case is the Department at the origin of this approach, il does not support or recommend these companies. The only organizations authorized to support and advise Valdoisiens free of charge on their projects, within the framework of “Val d’Oise Rénov’”, are:
The Department initiated legal proceedings with the public prosecutor for these facts.
If you wish to carry out energy renovation work, you can consult our page dedicated to the device “Val d'Oise Rénov'”, on which there is a search engine which will allow you to identify the contact person corresponding to your needs.