Some 2024 files are still current.
A good resolution at the start of the year? Little by little, in indifference, France's heritage is deteriorating. The Heritage Foundation and its 950 volunteers take up the challenge every day of saving this heritage to pass it on to following generations, throughout France. To help, make a donation.
In three years, the “Heritage and Local Tourism” program of the Heritage Foundation, supported by Airbnb, has committed 5.6 million euros to support 200 projects which contribute to tourism development in territories, particularly rural ones, and to the revitalization of villages in France.
The Heritage Foundation and Airbnb have revealed the 38 new winners of “Heritage and local tourism”, without Gardois, making it possible to reach 200 projects supported in three years. They will benefit from an endowment of 20,000 euros or 30,000 euros. But, in 2024, it was Tourasse de Sanilhac-Sagriès which was listed. In all? 162 previous projects have already won awards and 44 have completed their work.
Return to La Tourasse de Sanilhac-Sagriès. The 61 donors collected 14,590 euros with the final goal of 23,000 within two years. In the heart of Uzège, in Sanilhac-Sagriès, there is a strange 12th century tower: the Tourasse, the last vestige of the village's original castle. Austere in appearance, lowered from its three upper levels, it is misunderstood and forgotten. It houses a treasure that needs to be brought to light and preserved.
The building is rapidly deteriorating. Water ingress threatens the structure and eats away at the stones. Numerous cracks cracking the exterior dome of the roof (one centimeter wide), the southern flower bed is bending, genoise tiles are broken or unsealed, holes in the stones and the genoise encourage deleterious vegetation, the corner chain Northeast strongly degraded and an oculus of 80 cm is open to rain. Work must be undertaken urgently.
To safeguard this heritage and the magnificent dovecote it houses, conservation work is necessary… Repair of the waterproofing of the vault using a lime mortar, repair of the sponge cake, closing of the oculus with a skydome, demolition and reassembly of the South flowerbed or even reworking of the holes on the East facade and grouting.
It was probably in the 15th century that a dovecote was built on the first level of the building. It has 325 bowls dug into the facing stones on four sides. Balance and harmony of the whole combine with a rare state of conservation without any alteration since its creation.
The dovecote has independent exterior access via a stone staircase. On the lower floor, there is a Romanesque vault as well as archers with multiple voussoirs, also remarkable and very well preserved.
In the future development of the village center of the commune, a pedestrian path will be created to connect the East and West parts of the village, it will pass at the foot of the Tourasse. On its eastern slope, a green space will be created.
To the west, the church square will become pedestrianized. Thus, after having been unknown and isolated, it will be rediscovered by the population and its preservation therefore takes on even more meaning.
In another register, the church of Russanthe Manduel Castle and the Factories of the Parc de Castille d’Argilliers also need your donations!