Hello everyone! How are you this Wednesday? “Flying to the moon…”. There are days like that when you want to be close to the stars… Like chef Guillaume Pape. The man who made himself known on the show “Top Chef” is thrilling Brest’s taste buds with his restaurant “L’Embrun”, but as a starred artist of good taste, he wants to expand his universe. We learned of his plan to open a large restaurant in Concarneau. A significant investment in a manor house, which should lead, in fact and unfortunately, to his departure from the city of Ponant… [L’article d’Olivier Desveaux]
In Plabennec too, you can see very high and very far. And exactly at 384,400 km. This is the distance that separates Plabennecois Antoine Bocquier from the robot which will be launched this Wednesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, by a Japanese company towards the moon! Designer of the rover, the 28-year-old Breton engineer will be at the controls of the machine from Luxembourg where he works. [David Cormier raconte cette aventure spatiale]
Cosmic too, this photo by Patrick Pouliquen. The amateur photographer from Plouvien shared with Le Télégramme his photo of Zef capturing a plane passing in front of a gigantic moon at sunrise. Poetic and deserved, such an image cannot be captured alone, as he explained to us!
On this day which celebrates the Rémi, Amaury or Rachel, let us remember to wish beyond the grave a happy birthday to the august Molière, who would have been 403 years old today… We also kiss the living Breton musician Dan Ar Braz (76 years old). ), the former international Marius Trésor (75 years old) or the ex-tennis champion Mary Pierce (50 years old).
Sadder, let us remember that January 15 is the date which saw, in 2004, the sinking of the Bugaled Breizh off the coast of England, causing the death of five sailors. The book “Bugaled Breizh-l’investigation”, by our colleague Pascal Bodéré and the Rennes designer Laurent Lefeuvre, is still available and sheds light on this dramatic affair.
Come on, let's come back down to earth a little, just to prepare for takeoff on this beautiful day, with four-star information to be found on letelegramme.fr, of course. 3… 2… 1…, here we go!!!
Today's weather: Bright
No, the sun does not have an appointment with the moon, as Charles Trénet might have sung… Nevertheless, the sun will be very present during this beautiful day which is beginning. Come on, we will concede a few light cloud bands in the afternoon. Cheap paid after these times of miz du. In terms of temperatures, on the other hand, it will be quite cold in the morning, with 2° (felt -1°) and up to ° (felt 10°) this afternoon. [La météo à Brest]
Traffic in real time: it’s jammed
It is particularly clogged this morning in the area of the La Croix-Rouge and Kerichen school group, as well as on Boulevard de l'Europe, avenue Victor-Le Gorgeu and rue de Quimper.
As is often the case, we drive at a walking pace in the Recouvrance area, particularly rue de la Porte and the surrounding area, as well as route de la Corniche. We also note a strong slowdown on rue du Général-Gallieni. More generally, the city center is particularly congested.
An accident has been reported on rue François-Drogou, in Bohars. Be careful, then! [La circulation avec Waze]
Serial attacks near the university
This is a new and worrying phenomenon. Since the start of the school year, there have been around fifteen attacks on students near the university at night. The operating methods are violent and deliberate. The authorities decided to take action. [Jean-Luc Padellec explique tout]
Today's schedule: 6:30 p.m.
It is in fact at this precise time that referee Abdelatif Kherradj will kick off the round of 16 match of the French Football Cup between Brest and Nantes, at the Francis-Le Blé stadium. [Découvrez où voir la rencontre et les dernières infos du match].
It is a slightly reshuffled Brest team which risks starting the match, after a series of injuries. We nevertheless hope that the Brestois will do as well as during the last confrontation, in Ligue 1, between the two clubs: Brest crushed the Canaries 4-1 in mid-December.