Christophe Darbellay : « Investing in…

Christophe Darbellay : « Investing in…
Christophe Darbellay : « Investing in…

The following article comes from Campus 2024 supplement published in Le Nouvelliste on December 19, 2024. It is written by Joëlle Burny.

As an extension of the Energypolis Campus, what will the creation of the Pôle Santé Campus in Valais bring?

Christophe Darbellay, State Councilor in charge of the Department of Economy and Training: “The Health Center Campus allows a concentration of skills: it will bring together players from health (Valais Hospital, SUVA Romande Rehabilitation Clinic, SPARK) and training and research (HES-SO Valais-Wallis, EPFL Valais Wallis). This will promote synergies and interinstitutional collaborations. Basic and continuing training in the fields of health and social, adapted to the needs of these sectors, will be offered on the Campus, which will help to train qualified personnel to respond to current and future challenges. Bringing together different fields around health sciences on the same site will encourage innovative approaches. Thanks to researchers, health, social and sports professionals and companies active in these different sectors, innovations that can lead to new approaches to care and the application of new technologies will be encouraged.”

What economic, cultural or training benefits do you expect for the region and the canton of the new EDHEA campus in Sierre?

« This new Campus which will bring together EDHEA and the sewing school on a single site will firstly offer study conditions of much better quality than currently. It will be synonymous with new opportunities for collaboration between the two schools. It will also clearly position Valais as a land of artistic training as well as fashion and clothing. It can also contribute to the promotion of culture and art for the canton by becoming a place of cultural creation and exchange. The dissemination and promotion of arts and design will be encouraged, as will the organization of events and exhibitions enriching Valais cultural life and strengthening links between the population and schools. »

Why want to create a campus in Brig bringing together different tertiary courses from the HES-SO Valais-Wallis (Bachelor in nursing, Bachelor in business economics, 1st year of the Bachelor in life sciences engineering), from the ES Santé Valais Foundation Wallis (ES Diploma in Nursing) and HEP-VS (teacher training)

« What a future Campus extremely well located near Brig station will improve the attractiveness of German-speaking Valais courses for students from Haut-Valais who tend to train in courses outside the canton even though they exist in Valais. Multidisciplinary, this Campus will promote synergies between disciplines and collaborations. Exchanges between students and teachers from different fields will stimulate innovation and collaborative projects. By bringing together German-speaking courses in health, engineering and economics as well as teacher training, the Campus also meets the varied needs of the job market, providing students with skills in high demand. This multidisciplinarity also facilitates the creation of partnerships with local businesses. The grouping of two higher education institutions and one higher education institution on the same site also makes it possible to optimize the use of infrastructure. The proximity to the Valais Hospital, the largest employer in the health sector, will also be an asset for nursing training. »




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