Mario Aubé says no to Roch Cholette

Mario Aubé made the official announcement on Sunday. His close guard is currently made up of his partner, Nathalie Lafleur, and Michel Déziel. The latter was an important member of the cabinet of former mayor Marc Bureau and that of former mayor Bélisle.

“It’s certain that other people will quickly join this team,” explains Mario Aubé. We want to hold an official press conference in a few weeks. There are also current elected officials who are interested in supporting me and possibly joining my team, but some are still considering their political future. I don’t want to force anyone’s hand. It’s a personal reflection, but I expect elected officials to join me.”

Roch Cholette

Mario Aubé also confirmed to Right having refused to allow the former host of 104.7 FM and former MP for Hull, Roch Cholette, to join his political team. The two men had a discussion to this effect before the holidays.

Roch Cholette played an advisory role in Yves Ducharme’s mayoral election campaign last spring in Gatineau. (Etienne Ranger/Archives Le Droit)

“I had a good discussion with Mr. Cholette because he wanted to join my team,” confirms Mr. Aubé. However, several people interested in supporting me and working with me suggested to me that they would leave my team if I agreed to work directly or indirectly with Mr. Cholette. I believe he is a good person and has a lot of experience, but I have decided to stand behind those who wish to support me. Mr. Cholette will not be part of my team.”

According to our information, the aggressive tone of the campaign of the former mayor of Gatineau, Yves Ducharme, in which Mr. Cholette participated during the by-election for mayor last June, has cooled many in his entourage by Mr. Aubé. Mr. Cholette’s often divisive remarks while he was a radio host would also have been perceived as a political burden by Mr. Aubé’s entourage.

Replacement Jocelyn Blondin

The councilor of the Manoir-des-Trembles-Val-Tétreau district, Jocelyn Blondin, has already announced that he would end his political career at the end of this mandate. The latter has represented the district since 2013.

On Monday, he offered his support to Joseph Soares who confirmed his intentions to run as a candidate for the post of councilor in the district. Mr. Soares has several years of experience in federal politics and within the public service of Canada. A native of the district, Mr. Soares has just launched a consultation exercise in the district in order, he says, to “build a collective vision that reflects the real needs of residents while ensuring responsible and affordable management of resources” . He wants to pay particular attention to improving basic services such as public safety, road maintenance, water management, residual materials collection and snow removal.

Joseph Soares confirms his intention to run as a candidate for the position of municipal councilor in the Manoir-des-Tremble-Val-Tétreau district, in Gatineau. (Courtesy)

For now, Mr. Soares plans to run as an independent candidate. “I have never been a big supporter of municipal political parties because of party lines which, in my opinion, do not adequately respond to the real local needs of citizens,” he told Le Droit. At the municipal level, people need more direct listening.”

However, it does not close the door to joining the ranks of a political party or team in anticipation of next November’s elections, particularly because of the financial and organizational advantages that this allows. “If I have discussions to have on this subject, I will have them with a lot of reservation as to my independence,” he added. Mr. Soares says he first wants to address this issue with the people of the district.



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