This Monday, January 13, Maine-et-Loire – like Touraine, Deux-Sèvres and Vienne – is still placed on yellow alert for flooding by Météo France. According to the Vigicrues website, only the Loire is on yellow alert in the Saumur region. After reaching a historic point at the Chacé bridge this Saturday, the Thouet began to decline on Sunday and returned to a more normal level this Monday.
The Loire remains quite high. It peaked at nearly 3.70m this Sunday at the end of the day and began to see its level drop this Monday. According to Vigicrues, it reached a historic record by positioning itself in third place among the most significant floods in Saumur, ahead of that of February 2014 (3.55m) and behind that of 1982 (6.05m) and 1856 (7m). Furthermore, no rain is expected in the coming days in Anjou. The level of watercourses should therefore continue to fall.
The Vienne was also placed on alert by Vigicrues this Monday, even though the river has begun to decline. The town of Chinon warns: “Following the bad weather, an episode of flooding in the Vienne is forecast for the next few hours. The Vienne reaches the coast of 4.30m and the forecasts announce a slow decline from today. These levels require great caution on the part of everyone due to the submergence of certain traffic routes. For your safety, we draw your attention to respecting the “flooded roads” signs indicating lanes prohibited to traffic. These are dangerous even if they seem passable. »