Faced with a marked drop in temperatures announced since Sunday and for the coming days, the prefect of the Territoire de Belfort activated, from Sunday January 12 at 11:59 p.m., the yellow vigilance level of the ORSEC “Cold Waves” plan. According to Météo France forecasts, a significant cold wave will cross the department until January 15, before a gradual return to positive temperatures.
This system provides for an intensification of actions in favor of vulnerable people. The patrols and hotlines of “115”, a free emergency number to report homeless people, will be reinforced. Eight additional emergency accommodation places have been mobilized, and day centers will remain open all day. Furthermore, emergency services, law enforcement and municipalities are called upon to be extra vigilant to identify and help people in distress.
The prefecture recalls the importance of reporting any person in difficulty in the street to “115”, or “15” in the event of a life-threatening emergency. Local elected officials are also encouraged to activate their municipal protection plan to meet temporary accommodation needs.