The story begins in 1965 near Pontins, at the Métairie de la Perrotte. At only 23 years old, Suzanne Cuche, who has in common with the skier – from her close family – not to be afraid, becomes the young owner of the Hôtel Chasseral, at the end of an auction organized in Bienne which she attends alone. Due to an obscure turn of events, she will have to increase her stake (160,000 francs) by 10,000 francs.
A grindstone and departure
“Le Chasseral” all her own, Suzanne took the road to the pass at the beginning of the summer of 1965 with, in her luggage – and as she was advised – a wheel of Saint-Imier cheese, to serve crusts and melted. “She will never come down again,” smiles Alexandre, her son. Some…