This sentence is, for the court, “a fair and adequate repression of the facts”. To have been more lenient would have been a “admission of weakness from justice” but also “incomprehensible for the victims and society”. In his judgment, the president takes into account in particular “dramatic consequences for the victims who have been marked in their flesh and who will undoubtedly remain so until the end of their lives.” It also takes into account the background of the defendant who, despite these, has reoffended and his absolute disrespect for other drivers and the rules of life in society. “Society can no longer suffer from such actions”comments the court.
Immediate arrest always sends chills down your spine. Especially since the defendant is integrated: he works in Brussels, has spent his entire life in Belgium and has always responded to all requests from public authorities. It was his behavior that prompted the court to sentence him.
Indeed, despite his background and the accident he caused between Sclayn and Thon-Samson, he was still convicted. Once for speeding, the other for causing another accident by approaching an intersection without caution, while under the influence of alcohol. It was also checked at 148 and 156 instead of 90 km/h, in March and February 2024. “The risk that he commits new offenses exists.”
A destroyed family
The facts for which this resident of Beez has just been convicted date back to January 20, 2021. At the wheel of his BMW 3 Series, the man collided with a Kia Sportage which was traveling in the opposite direction. Five people were on board this second vehicle: a father, his mother and three children. They were all seriously injured. A teenage girl had her spleen and liver exploded. The dad, who was driving the vehicle, no longer walks. This accident required the on-site intervention of 6 ambulances, 1 SMUR, 4 fire engines and a medical helicopter. After the accident, the defendant had a level of 1.25 g of alcohol/l of blood.
His conduct was totally irresponsible. Before the crash, he was pressing on the vehicles in front of him. To overtake them, he did not hesitate to take the opposite lane despite the presence of islands on the central lane. The accident was caused by a loss of control. The defendant having bit into the shoulder before hitting the other vehicle.