Morocco sees itself regressing in the global intelligence index. In 2024, the country will be ranked 68th, with an average intelligence quotient (IQ) of 97.12.
The recently revealed World Intelligence Rankings for 2024 highlight deep international gaps in IQ rates. Morocco fell one point from the previous year, posting an average IQ of 97.12 and ranking 68th. This drop comes as more than 1.393 million people took part in the global test.
At the top of the ranking, the People’s Republic of China reiterates its supremacy with an average IQ of more than 107 points, followed by Iran and South Korea, second and third respectively. This Asian dominance is partly explained by the importance given to education and health, determining factors in the increase in IQ.
From a regional perspective, Lebanon stands out among Arab countries, ranked 37th in the world, with an average IQ of 99.58. It is followed by several nations, including Morocco which maintains a middle position, preceding states such as Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. At the bottom of the world table, Gabon finished last, with an average IQ of 85.56.
Differences in IQ between countries are explained by variables such as infectious diseases, which limit cognitive development where they are prevalent. Dietary habits represent another critical factor, as balanced nutrition is associated with higher IQ.