An unfortunate mishap happened to a cat in a village in the Bernese Jura, although it was completely domestic. Already sterilized – and chipped – she was mistaken for a wild cat, captured, and operated on a second time… Fortunately, she is doing well.
The story told by “Le Matin Dimanche” took place at the end of November. The owners of a cat named River, 3 years old, then found their animal “with a cut ear and a fresh surgical scar under the stomach”, according to their testimony. Then they learn that she was taken in a mass operation to sterilize stray cats. An incision was made on the cat’s stomach, the specialist obviously realized that there was nothing to operate on, then he sutured…
Responsible for this campaign on stray cats, the Orpond SPA (BE) recognized the mistake, confirming that River was confused with a wild cat and speaking of a “chain of unfortunate circumstances and human errors”. This branch of the SPA apologized profusely and sent a bouquet of flowers to the family. As for the cat, she is doing well.
Since then, the local SPA has adopted a new protocol that veterinarians must sign before any castration. It stipulates that it is necessary to check whether the cat has a microchip before any intervention. On the other hand, cutting the tip of the ear is maintained for such cases because it is “an international sign indicating that the cat is already castrated”.
But what can we do to avoid this kind of case? “Le Matin Dimanche” reminds us that chipping remains the safest way, even if it was not enough in this story, which we hope is extremely rare. Social networks can also be a way to find out about planned operations, and thus keep your cat inside on the big day.