Dear France, you who moan, sometimes, often, always; you who doubt, sometimes, often, always; you who hardly believe it anymore. Never forget that you are not a subtraction of identities in search of recognition, nor a land that bends under the weight of its faults.
You are an addition, a power squared, a breath. An idea. Audacity. A beauty. The one who invents, who dreams and who repairs.
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At a time when the world is vacillating between darkness and denial, be proud of your Lights and your pillars: the culture that elevates, the Republic that unites and the humanism that fights with dignity against all forms of injustice and other manipulations. It is not by running away from your roots that you will be strong, but by fully assuming them.
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What do I wish you for 2025? Loyalty to your genius. Not that of a grandeur that crushes, but of an elegance that elevates. Be uncompromising in the face of the worst, and remain this workshop of possibilities where the mind constantly dialogues with freedom and the heart.
Because, dear France, when you are proud of yourself and you respect yourself, that's when you illuminate yours and carry the world.