Very renewed at the start of the season, the Cesson Saint-Brieuc team has also just lost its Brazilian recruits Bezner (serious injury) and Borgès (unforeseen departure….) in quick succession. However, nothing to disturb the short Costa Rican squad at the start of the game. With Ibazeta serving the lead, the sharp Manuohalalo at maximum power and a perfect relay from Digaire at the net, the Briochins quickly broke away in the first set (1-10). After two early timeouts, Charenton, who also discovered his tiny fallback room, nevertheless managed to loosen the grip and, above all, to defend better. The nice local return to 15-18 did not upset the situation since Cesson, led effectively by Totelé (although reduced), finished at 20-25.
A second set completed at 34-36!
The second act turned out to be different with a rather prolific Henno in Charenton and a few unforced briochine errors (notably in the service) which caused numerous parities. Each team even had chances to pocket the bet, five for Charenton from 24-23 and seven for Cesson from 27-28. A terrible standoff which ended in an extremely rare 34-36 for the Briochins on an ace from Glowacz and a series of winning attacks from Ibazeta.
The third round was therefore easier for Cesson and his trainer Valentin Brouck, who did not need to come into play. “We were not leading at the start since Totelé played with a sprained wrist while Fillon came back from N3 to help us. We weren't able to maintain our level of play throughout the sets but it was enough and that's a good thing in such a tight group. »
The technical sheet
The sets: 20-25 (24'), 34-36 (41'), 16-25 (22'); arbitration of MM. Merck and Combe, 80 spectators.
CHARENTON: Henno, De Saint-Denis (cap.), Le Gars, Monfollet, Locard, G. Cantamessi, then Dufourt (lib.), Ka, Dutrieux, Rachidi. Ent: C. Cantamessi.
CESSON SB : Ibazeta, Fillon, Glowacz, Digaire, Totelé (cap.), Manuohalalo, puis Augas (lib.), Letertre. Entry: V. Brouck.