the essential
After following studies which led her to become an agricultural engineer, Célia Carbo sought to enhance her training through her professional experiences. Ten years ago, she joined Lot-et-Garonne, a department still spared from the excesses of urbanization, mechanization and all other human excesses acting against nature.
Work, yes, but not just anywhere
Her longest professional experience was with UPSA, where she held the position of Health-Safety-Environment manager. This company, a flagship of the national and international economy, is one of those which have acquired an eco-responsible conscience and which make it a point of honor to engage in the CSR approach. It is no coincidence that in 2024 UPSA joined the global and still limited network of companies labeled B-Corp (good business practices in terms of social, societal and environmental impact).
Fly with your own wings
“From 2020, I decided to get even closer to nature to be a full participant in the ecological transition,” she declares as a profession of faith. In a short time, she increased her commitments. She was chosen to become responsible for the Lot-et-Garonne branch of Water Family (“from the flake to the wave”), an association dedicated to the preservation of water, our health and all living things. . She continues: “I trained to become a leader of La Fresque du Climat, another association which aims to take action on the issues linked to climate change. Then, with my status as an independent, consultant and trainer, I offered to make my skills available to requesting organizations (I am currently pursuing a mission in partnership with Sud-management Business School). »
But as an artisan-ecologist, the project that was most important to her was to create a concept that would be 100% her own, and this was done in 2021 with the birth of Yakaloo.
Yakaloo, Yaka… do it!
Célia Carbo leads us to think: “Have you noticed that today's children know car logos better than the names of vegetables, that they are more comfortable in front of a screen than in front of an insect? » Not wrong! “Basically, my idea is to move towards more ecology and nature, as a family. »
The principle of Yakaloo is to encourage children to be actors in their ecological transition “gently, in a fun way and without excessive zeal or proselytism”, because Célia Carbo is also a fan of gentle methods…
The 100% eco-friendly box
By subscription, each month the child receives a box whose contents will allow them to make two 100% natural objects. The material is provided and is largely produced by Célia Carbo, who says: “In my small property in Aubiac, I have all the riches and treasures of nature at home. » She has a small miniature farm, is the owner of a few acres of wood, is a fan of permaculture… her entire environment is related to her philosophy of life.
His favorite quote?
“Be the change you want to see in the world,” which she attributes to Gandhi. And if we ask him: “What do you answer to that?” “, reasonably and spontaneously, she completes the wise old man's words: “Step by step. »