Since 1976, Secours populaire has organized the Green Santa Claus tour. This year again, the sleigh was filled with gifts and stopped at our house!
To popular aid, a tradition has been born since 1976, to bring Christmas to life for all those who simply do not have the means. This is the objective for Jean-Michel, coordinator of Secours populaire 52, committed against precariousness since 2012.
“We set up this kind of project so that Christmas doesn’t forget anyone” he says. Last year, the Alpes-Maritimes Federation organized the first edition of the “Green Santa’s Sleigh” connecting the PACA region to Belgium.
The chosen cities
This year, starting on Wednesday November 20, International Day for the Rights of childrenfrom the Alpes-Maritimes, the sleigh embarked on a long journey throughout France. And he stopped in Haute-Marne, welcomed by the volunteers of Popular Relief.
A long journey
The route, renewed every year, began in Nice. The sleigh continued its collection of toys in the South of France, with stops in Avignon, Grenoble, and Lyon. He then headed north, stopping in Dijon before arriving in snow-covered Chaumont on November 23. The trip continued to Nancy, Metz, and Reims, before heading to Île-de-France, with a stop in Nogent-sur-Seine.
A first
The journey continued with stages in Rouen, Amiens, and Valenciennes. To finally finish his race in Belgium, by depositing all the gifts to the CO.FA.MON association.
Cyril, one of the sleigh drivers, collected gifts on the journey from Lyon to Chaumont. Furthermore, this year, the antenna of Chaumont participated for the first time in its history in the collection. Cyril then passed the baton to Jean-Michel, who is now responsible for flying with the sled to Nancy.
As he explains, “itThe toys will be given on December 6, 2024, Saint Nicholas Day, to nearly 130 children. We take turns with several volunteers to drive the sleigh.”
Charity beyond borders…
Thanks to volunteers, Secours populaire offers children and to families in difficulty: toys, books, food packages… everywhere in France, but also beyond borders, thanks to the network associative of Popular Relief in the world. This kind of eventslike green Santa Claus,“come and help red Santa” concluded Jean-Michel.