Beaune – Hydroecological restoration of the Bouzaize

Beaune – Hydroecological restoration of the Bouzaize
Beaune – Hydroecological restoration of the Bouzaize

On Thursday evening, the Beaune city council examined the project presented by the Syndicat Mixte d’Aménagement du Bassin Versant de la Dheune (SMABVD), which will undertake restoration work on the waterways in its territory, in particular the Bouzaize, which crosses the urban area of ​​Beaune up to Avenue de la République. This initiative aims to improve the morphology of the waterway, reduce flood risks and restore the local ecosystem.
The work, entirely funded by the SMABVD with contributions from the Water Agency, the Basin Committee, the Region and the Department, aims to regulate the flow of the Bouzaize along the city to prevent flooding. At the same time, the City of Beaune will take charge of the “Au fil de l’eau” project which will link the Bouzaize park to that of the Chartreuse, thanks to a discovery trail dedicated to pedestrians.
This hydroecological restoration work on the Bouzaize will improve Beaune’s ecosystem, while protecting the city from flood risks and providing a revitalized natural setting for residents and visitors. Thanks to this intervention, the Bouzaize and its surroundings will benefit from sustainable and environmentally friendly management.
The work will be carried out by a private company in 2024 and 2025. The owners will be informed in good time of the start of the work and will have to guarantee access to the watercourse for the companies. All necessary safety measures will be put in place to ensure the safety of the site.

Nature of the work
The planned interventions are broken down as follows:
– optimization of flow rates: regulation of flow rates between the Beaune underground passages and the Bouzaize flowing through the ramparts.
– development of plant and mixed benches: installation over 110 meters upstream of the underground passages.
– planting of helophytes: introduction of aquatic plants to stabilize the banks and improve the ecosystem.

Details of the facilities
The works include the following:
– vegetation treatment: elimination of invasive exotic species.
– remodeling and diversification of the minor bed: creation of plant and mineral benches.
– installation of shelter blocks and wooden under-banks: to diversify the aquatic habitat.
– installation of vegetated rafts: to improve water quality and biodiversity.
– raising of reinforced concrete walls: to reinforce underground passages.
– revegetation: generalization of the revegetation of the banks.

To facilitate the work, the contractor will have to open and manage the Monot mill valves to lower the water levels during the work.

Specific remodeling work
The reshaping of the banks will be one-off, targeting a 37-metre stretch downstream of the Dr Bourley Bridge. This work will include:
– preparatory cleaning: removal of debris and piles.
– re-slope of the bank: retreat of the top of the bank by 2 to 4 meters with creation of varied slopes.
– reuse of debris: to create plant benches.



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