2024 legislative elections: “SMIC at €1,600” or “VAT at 5.5%”, the duel of the candidates in the first constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales

2024 legislative elections: “SMIC at €1,600” or “VAT at 5.5%”, the duel of the candidates in the first constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales
2024 legislative elections: “SMIC at €1,600” or “VAT at 5.5%”, the duel of the candidates in the first constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales

L’Indépendant launches the match of this second round of the early legislative elections. The same three local, national and government questions were asked to the two candidates in the running for the second round in the first constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales: Sophie Blanc (National Rally) and Francis Daspe (New Popular Front).

Sophie Blanc, outgoing RN MP, “lower VAT to 5.5%”

Sophie Blanc, if you are re-elected on July 7, what would be the first law you would like to adopt?

Our position is clear: our absolute priority is to lower VAT on energy. We want to reduce it from 20% to 5.5% on gas, fuel oil, electricity and fuel. This is absolutely essential because travel is necessary in the daily lives of many French people. Especially in rural areas. It will be a breath of fresh air for everyone’s purchasing power.

From Mas Guerido to Porte d’Espagne via Pollestres, this first constituency is marked by the spread of commercial areas. What is your position on the subject?

I cannot go back on the mistakes that have been made over the past 30 years. Many commercial areas have been built outside and to the detriment of the city centre. They must be stopped. Perhaps we will have levers for action with the zero net artificialisation law. Even if we do not achieve absolute zero net artificialisation, because exemptions are required, there is still a need for construction. However, we must rebalance the territory and Perpignan must remain on a human scale. Our national project is in favour of defending local businesses.

What would be your ideal government cast?

There is no doubt about it: we want Jordan Bardella to be Prime Minister. I am not privy to the secrets of the gods, but our team is united. I know that he will be surrounded by people who have known how to do politics for a long time, but also by some from civil society who are rooted in their territory. Or who revealed themselves during the last term, like Jean-Philippe Tanguy.

Francis Daspe, New Popular Front candidate: “The minimum wage at €1,600”

Francis Daspe, if you are elected on July 7, what would be the first law you would like to adopt?

I want to give citizens some breathing space by acting on their purchasing power. This therefore involves increasing salaries. We want to increase the minimum wage to 1,600 euros and increase civil servant salaries by 10%. For private sector employees, I want to pass a law to force companies to convene a conference on salaries. Acting on purchasing power also involves freezing the price of basic necessities. That is to say, food and energy.

From Mas Guerido to Porte d’Espagne via Pollestres, the first constituency is marked by the spread of commercial areas. What is your position on the subject?

I am in favor of stopping the proliferation of commercial areas. In government, we would be able to file a moratorium to stop this sprawl, which raises many questions. In particular, on the decline of the city center, which is the symbol of Perpignan. At the same time, it transforms suburban communities into dormitory towns since they are no longer encouraged to develop their own city center. Large areas also eat up agricultural land, or at least fertile land. This also poses mobility problems by creating traffic jams.

What would be your ideal government cast?

I don’t want to get involved in this game. I’m just campaigning for diversity of components and generations. I’m still going to stick my neck out and name one: Paul Vannier (re-elected NFP deputy for Val d’Oise) for Education, because I co-signed the book Manifesto for the school of the Sixth Republic with him in 2016.



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