Bayonne Festivals brought forward to reconcile security and Olympic Games

Bayonne Festivals brought forward to reconcile security and Olympic Games
Bayonne Festivals brought forward to reconcile security and Olympic Games

We have told you about it many times over the past few months, but we will say it again, for those who are late or distracted. So, because of the Summer Olympics, the Bayonne Festival will not be able to take place at the end of July as usual. To ensure the safety and preparation of the two international events, the City of Bayonne has decided to bring the event forward. Thus, the festivities will take place from July 10 to 14.

This decision, taken in consultation with the competent authorities, aims to ensure optimal security for the Bayonne Festival, which requires the mobilization of nearly 300 police officers and 500 private security agents. As the State’s security resources are mobilized from July 18 for the Olympic Games, maintaining the Festivals at their usual time was not an option.

Despite this change of dates, the spirit of the Bayonne Festival remains intact. For five days and nights, from Wednesday 10 to Sunday 14 July, the city will vibrate to the rhythm of the festivities. The 2024 edition promises to be a ” cultural, social and unifying event “, with some notable adjustments to better adapt to this new organization.

An early opening of the holidays

The inauguration of the festivities will take place on Wednesday at 5 p.m., earlier than in previous years. The funfair, which usually occupies the Place du Réduit and the Pont Saint-Esprit, will be set up this year on the Allées Boufflers and the Place Charles-de-Gaulle, open from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m., and until 2 a.m. on Monday, July 15. On Thursday, July 11, a new experiment will be put in place: only live music concerts will be authorized until 7 p.m., suspending the sound systems for a more acoustic day.



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