Sophrology, art therapy, discussion groups… Alzheimer Hérault supports patients and their caregivers

Sophrology, art therapy, discussion groups… Alzheimer Hérault supports patients and their caregivers
Sophrology, art therapy, discussion groups… France Alzheimer Hérault supports patients and their caregivers

Every week, the Alzheimer Hérault association offers, in its premises on Avenue Clemenceau, in Béziers, workshops to maintain social ties and the skills of people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and their caregivers.

A national association in each department, France Alzheimer supports families of people suffering from neurodegenerative disease. The Hérault branch (FAH) made up of 600 members, 70 volunteers and 15 professionals – whose headquarters is in – has existed since 1989. In Béziers, the association was established 20 years ago, and occupies the premises of the 46 avenue Georges-Clemenceau since September 2020.“We wanted something a little more central and more accessible”explains Patrick Morice, territorial delegate for western Hérault.

This Biterroise branch, which manages the entire west-Hérault sector, is shared between two territorial delegates. The space that Patrick Morice takes care of starts from the coast and goes up to the Hauts-cantons. “The principle is that the delegate that I am works with volunteers, some of whom are sector representatives. It is with them that we make contact with the CCAS. Our entry points into the territories are the municipalities and the CCAS “.

Sophrology, art therapy, discussion groups, training…

Certain municipalities including Béziers, Sérignan, Valras and St-Geniès have signed a “helping city” charter with FAH, thus committing to facilitating its action. In the Clemenceau premises, workshops take place throughout the week aimed at maintaining social ties and skills, aimed at caregivers, patients or the caregiver/care recipient couple. These services are free, subject to an annual membership of €34, tax deductible. However, you must have a medical diagnosis to benefit from it.

Depending on their health condition or their wishes, patients can have access to sophrology, art therapy and other activities. Carers can participate in discussion groups as well as training. “These actions aim to give them the keys to facilitate the daily care of the sick person. This can also help them to move on, to accept home help or placement. Often, the caregiver has the feeling of being able to cope with everything, all the time, without outside help There is a lot of guilt We cannot separate ourselves from the person we love, and everything that leads us to move away from them. is badly experienced.”

The association offers Thézan a “respite stop” allowing caregivers to take time for themselves by entrusting their loved one to the association's volunteers, with the possibility of consulting a psychologist. This module will be deployed in Valras and Béziers in 2025. The other major project for next year will be to set up a permanent office in the neurology department of the Hospital.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 46 32 13 96.




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