In Nice, LR-Ciott voters welcome the president’s winning strategy

In Nice, LR-Ciott voters welcome the president’s winning strategy
In Nice, LR-Ciott voters welcome the president’s winning strategy

Frédéric Michel (in Nice) / Photo credits: VALERY HACHE / AFP
11:31 a.m., July 2, 2024

In the game of alliances, the one led by Éric Ciotti proved to be profitable during the first round of the legislative elections. The president of the Republicans came out on top by a wide margin, proof that his contested rapprochement with the National Rally was validated by the voters.

Right-wing voters have partly validated the strategy of the contested president of the Republicans. The RN allied with Éric Ciotti obtained 33.1% of the votes in the first round of the legislative elections against 27.99% for the New Popular Front and 20% for the presidential camp. In detail, the National Rally collected 29.2% of the votes, 3.9% for the candidates of the union of the right. Europe 1 questioned the voters who joined this historic alliance.

“What Eric Ciotti did was beneficial”

RPR, UMP, LR… Éric has always voted for the Republican right and welcomes the change taken by Éric Ciotti. “It had to be done, but it was a party that was in the process of liquefying, of disintegrating. It had to be given a boost and I think that what Éric Ciotti did was beneficial,” he says.

“We have a lot of hope”

A young retiree, Françoise is delighted by the union of the right. “I always voted RN. Éric Ciotti had the same ideas as me and I always asked myself why he doesn’t join forces. Now, he has gone there so I am very happy” she enthuses. Clémentine is also a voter for the National Rally. “We have ideas in common, we don’t agree on everything. There will be debates, but we hope to take the same path, to go in the same direction so that this country is straightened out. We have a lot of hope”, she confides.

Candidates of the Union of the Right Well Placed to Win on Sunday

For some LR voters, the attitude of the party’s leaders in not giving any voting instructions for the second round is incomprehensible. “I think they are stubborn and that it is not very intelligent. These are votes that could ultimately benefit the left. When you are on the right, you might as well give voting intentions for the right. And I find that it is not at all constructive since it could put the country in even more trouble,” sighs this voter. In Nice, all the candidates of the union of the right remain well placed to win next Sunday.



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