Police Officer Charged with Murder, He Allegedly Killed Squatter at His Grandmother’s House in Bobigny

Police Officer Charged with Murder, He Allegedly Killed Squatter at His Grandmother’s House in Bobigny
Police Officer Charged with Murder, He Allegedly Killed Squatter at His Grandmother’s House in Bobigny

A police officer was indicted and then placed in pretrial detention after the death of a man in a house in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) on Saturday June 29, reports “AFP”. The peace officer is suspected of having used his service weapon to kill the victim, who allegedly entered the garage of the house, where the suspect’s grandmother lives.

A police officer is in pre-trial detention after the death of a man in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) on Saturday June 29, 2024. Illustrative photo. | JEROME FOUQUET / WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

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  • A police officer is in pre-trial detention after the death of a man in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) on Saturday June 29, 2024. Illustrative photo. | JEROME FOUQUET / WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

The Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) prosecutor’s office announced on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the indictment and pretrial detention of a 27-year-old police officer. The man is suspected of having committed a murder early in the morning of Saturday, June 29, at his grandmother’s home in Bobigny, indicates theAFPWhile he was off duty, he allegedly shot and killed a person in the garage of the house with his service weapon.

Two calls to his colleagues

The victim, aged 28, is said to have entered the premises in order to squat, reports 20 Minutes The peace officer’s grandmother reportedly called him to warn him of the situation after being alerted by a noise. The young man then arrived at the house and contacted his law enforcement colleagues. He called them back shortly after to inform them that he had killed the young man.

The Bobigny public prosecutor’s office specified that the police officer from the territorial traffic and road safety company (CTRCSR 93 pedestrian) “would have shot seven times”Our colleagues explain that the accused allegedly claimed to explain his actions that the intruder had become aggressive and had threatened him with an object.



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