A change of route for the Berges de Clermont course

A change of route for the Berges de Clermont course
A change of route for the Berges de Clermont course

This is what Mayor Luc Cauchon confirmed to FM Charlevoix, while the hiking trail has been partially closed since the flooding of the 1is May 2023. At that time, the river had severely eroded the riverside section of the route, forcing access to be prohibited to ensure the safety of users.

More than a year later, the City team is proposing a route change, this time further away from the river, in order to reopen the loop. The maneuver, in addition to restoring full access, will save money, with the bill going from “nearly $70,000,” particularly due to rockfill work, to between “$20,000 and $30,000.”

For the first scenario, that of repairing the original path, Luc Cauchon also underlines that the requests for subsidies had not been successful with the government, hence the reason for going for a new route:

The other good news is that the work can be carried out by the Clermont public works team, other significant savings. He says that everything “is in progress” and that the Berges trail could welcome hikers around August.

Some of the facilities partially affected by the flooding may still be visible on the trail as a reminder. Until then, Luc Cauchon asks citizens to avoid venturing into unauthorized areas to avoid an accident.



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