2024 Legislative Elections: In the Orléans Metropolis, the Strong Progress of the RN

2024 Legislative Elections: In the Orléans Metropolis, the Strong Progress of the RN
2024 Legislative Elections: In the Orléans Metropolis, the Strong Progress of the RN

The 1st round of legislative elections was historic for the National Rallyand this is particularly the case in Loiret, where the far-right’s score has always been above the national average. On Sunday evening, the RN set a new record in the departmentwith 38% of the vote. But for decades, this success of the RN in Loiret was limited to rural areas. This is no longer the case, the RN obtained on Sunday very good results in the metropolis of Orléans.

27%: the RN score in the metropolis…

In 2022, the Le Pen candidates did not come out on top in any of the 22 municipalities of the metropolis, and most often had to settle for 3rd place (in 16 municipalities), or even 4th place (in 4 municipalities). Change of scenery last Sunday: The RN came first in 8 municipalities in the metropolis and took second place in 8 others. ! In total, the RN obtained on average 27% of the votes in the metropolis, up 12 points compared to 2 years ago, despite the increase in participation.

… with a peak of 40% in Chanteau

The records are impressive: 40% in Chanteau and 39% in Marigny-les-Usageswhich are certainly the municipalities furthest from the metropolis compared to the city center. But we also record 36% in Boigny-sur-Bionne, Mardié and even in Ingréa traditionally left-wing commune, like Saran, where the RN came out on top with 33%. Orléans, Olivet and Combleux remain the least receptive, but the RN still crossed the 20% mark there (respectively 21%, 24% and 24%). The limit to this progress is the lack of activists and executives. which forced the RN to present unknown candidates (Tiffanie Rabault and Anthony Zeller) or phantom candidates (Elodie Babin, who lives in Eure-et-Loir and who is not campaigning) in the three Orléans constituencies. A lack of resources that could be a major handicap when it comes to trying to put together lists for the 2026 municipal elections.



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