2024 Legislative Elections. Will there be a three-way race in Dordogne? Story of a day of hesitation in the center

2024 Legislative Elections. Will there be a three-way race in Dordogne? Story of a day of hesitation in the center
2024 Legislative Elections. Will there be a three-way race in Dordogne? Story of a day of hesitation in the center

With the possibility of three triangular races for the second round of the legislative elections in the four constituencies that make up the Dordogne, the ball was in the center; after long negotiations (and a few hours of reflection) in the entourage of the candidates of the presidential camp, it seems to have been kicked into touch under pressure from the left side of the stands. And this despite the more or less assumed inclinations of Michel Delpon, Jean-Pierre Cubertafon and especially Clément Tonon. The Macronist camp has chosen the “republican front” to oppose the National Rally (RN) in Bergeracois and Nontronnais, after multiple twists and turns. The reflection continues for Périgueux and the Isle valley. Story.


The first scene takes place at the Dordogne prefecture on Sunday, June 30. Clément Tonon (Horizons) understands that, in the first constituency, he will come in behind the RN candidate Nadine Lechon and the outgoing LFI MP invested by the New Popular Front, Pascale Martin. In the large lounge of the prefecture, he listens attentively to the televised intervention of the leader of his party, the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. “No votes should be cast for the RN candidates or those of LFI”: the instruction is clear. In the evening, the young ENA graduate publishes a press release, indicating his retention for the second round, “fully assuming” his decision, estimating that the cumulative votes between the presidential majority and Les Républicains was higher than the NFP.

Expected for a while at the prefecture, the outgoing deputy of the third constituency, Jean-Pierre Cubertafon, finally turns around. He too came in third place behind the RN, represented by Florence Joubert, and the socialist Christelle Druillole, invested by the NFP. Quickly, the word spreads among the journalists: the former mayor of Lanouaille will not make any decision before dawn.

Sleep on it ?

The same goes for Michel Delpon. This historic walker, a deputy during Macron’s first five-year term, came in third place on the podium, behind his successor, RN deputy Serge Muller, and socialist Christophe Cathus, invested by the NFP. Shortly after the results were announced, Delpon and Cathus took the time to talk on the phone and agreed to call each other back the next day. The night brings counsel. Yet it is difficult to imagine it being peaceful.

From the crack of dawn, the pressure from the left increases on the trio of third-placed officials. Local elected officials pick up their phones to “encourage them to think with their heads, and not under the influence of emotion”. A petition is even launched on the change.org website: it is entitled “Mr. Tonon, history is watching you, stand up for the republican cause”. This is the sequence of hesitation. Jean-Pierre Cubertafon is very difficult to reach. “I have been trying to call him since Sunday evening”, whispers Christelle Druillole.

“If I had been second, I could have won [contre le RN]. I missed the votes of LR. » Michel Delpon

Michel Delpon was the first to emerge from the woodwork in the middle of the morning. On his Facebook page, he said he was “able to gather the best transfer of votes to beat the National Rally”, calling for the withdrawal of Christophe Cathus, who had qualified for the second round with more than 5,000 votes ahead. Unthinkable for the socialist, who was struggling, at the same time, with his printer to publish tracts and professions of faith.

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After a few phone calls, the Macronist candidate finally withdrew his publication, shortly before noon. Worse, he put a new one online, a few minutes later, indicating that he wanted to “respect the republican pact”. “I suggested to Cathus to withdraw, he didn’t want to,” comments Michel Delpon. If I had been second, I could have won. [contre le RN]. I missed the voices of LR.

About an hour later, Jean-Pierre Cubertafon reached the same conclusion in Périgord Vert. After several hesitations, the former mayor of Lanouaille made his withdrawal official via a press release. He stated: “I cannot bring myself to see the Republic fall into the hands of a xenophobic extreme right with a delusional economic program. […]. I want to defend my territory from its enemies.”

What about Clément Tonon? Despite his press release the day before, the State Councillor finally takes the time to think. Early in the evening, Pascale Martin says: “He was supposed to call me back in the middle of the afternoon to let me know his decision, he still hasn’t done so.” The local socialists are throwing their weight behind him, hammering home that the LFI candidate is not an “extremist”. Respecting the national Horizons instruction while taking into account the local context, and without insulting the future, is Clément Tonon’s equation.



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