Hospi’Art: a celebration of creative talent inaugurated at the William Morey Hospital Center – info-chalon.com

Hospi’Art: a celebration of creative talent inaugurated at the William Morey Hospital Center – info-chalon.com
Hospi’Art: a celebration of creative talent inaugurated at the William Morey Hospital Center – info-chalon.com

On July 1, the William Morey Hospital Center inaugurated the exhibition “Hospi’Art, our agents have talent” in the presence of the management of the establishment and the participating artists.

This initiative celebrates the creative talents of the Hospital Center’s agents through an exhibition of works. Whether they are photographers, painters, poets, sculptors, designers or authors, the agents were invited to submit their most inspiring creations. The result is an exhibition teeming with diversity celebrating the talent of the establishment’s agents.

The inauguration marked the official opening of this exhibition, which will be held until August 31 in the lobby of the Hospital Center. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover the hidden talents of those who work daily to take care of their health.

This exhibition demonstrates the Hospital Center’s commitment to promoting culture in the hospital, sharing this creativity with the public, and contributing to the personal development of professionals. It brings together a wide variety of works, ranging from photography to painting, poetry, drawing, Lego creations, and writing. Each piece exhibited demonstrates the passion, imagination, and dexterity of the artists who are an integral part of the Hospital Center team.



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