2024 Legislative Elections: “I am convinced that his re-election is the only possible path” says Arnaud Viala, President of Aveyron in support of Rousset

2024 Legislative Elections: “I am convinced that his re-election is the only possible path” says Arnaud Viala, President of Aveyron in support of Rousset
2024 Legislative Elections: “I am convinced that his re-election is the only possible path” says Arnaud Viala, President of Aveyron in support of Rousset

“We will also have the urgent duty to quickly propose a re-establishment of a territorial trust pact,” proclaims the President of the Department Arnaud Viala.

“This is not the time for voting instructions, because everyone decides according to their own conscience and no one wants to be treated like children. Instead, this is the time for clarity and a sense of responsibility.”

In a press release published today, the president of the department Arnaud Viala calls “to responsibility.” “The first round of the legislative elections is characterized, in Aveyron even more than in the rest of the country, by the very strong mobilization and a record turnout. It is also marked by an unprecedented situation in our department: the RN candidates came out on top in two of the three constituencies of the department, thus confirming the strong desire for change that the European election of June 9 had clearly stated.”analyses Arnaud Viala who clings to the position of “Ni-ni”namely neither RN nor LFI.

“For the first time, the right and the centre-right were unable to present a candidate – in any of our constituencies. This state of affairs is the result of years of failure and wandering at the national level. Faithful to values ​​that will never leave me, I made it clear from the first round that neither the RN nor the Popular Front dominated by LFI corresponded to the vision that drives me of our country, its future and public action.”

“The re-election of Jean-François Rousset is the only possible way forward”

He pursues : “I conscientiously supported Stéphane Mazars in the 1st constituency of the department. He came out on top last night in the poll and he has my unwavering support for his re-election on Sunday. I was able to follow Samuel Deguara’s campaign in the 2nd constituency. Almost a third of voters gave him their confidence, and in the face of the double peril of the RN and LFI, his continued presence is essential. He has my full support.”

“In the 3rd constituency of Aveyron, Jean-François Rousset came in second behind the RN candidate. I am convinced that his re-election is the only possible path for the future and he also has my full support.”

“With these three deputies, and all the centre-right actors who believe in the future of Aveyron and its projects, we will work on the many challenges of our department. We will also have the pressing duty to quickly propose a re-establishment of a territorial trust pact. I am committed to working towards this with strength and determination.”



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