a second round of three in the first constituency

a second round of three in the first constituency
a second round of three in the first constituency

Duel or triangular? The suspense remained intact on Sunday, June 30, 2024, after the results of the first round of the legislative elections, in the first constituency of Vienne. The night brought counsel to Séverine Saint-Pé (Horizons). Third (28.85% of the votes) behind Lisa Belluco (New Popular Front) and Emmanuelle Darles (National Rally), she announced the following noon that she would remain for the second round.

“Voters must not be fooled”

The mayor of Neuville-de-Poitou justified her decision early in the evening in front of around thirty of her supporters. “I am almost tied for second place and there are 16,000 voters who have cast their votes for my candidacy”she insists. “Given this reserve of votes, it was estimated that there was a greater risk of favouring the RN if I did not stay in office”adds the elected official, who spoke remotely with Édouard Philippe.

His goal during this period between the two rounds? To convince “those who voted RN out of spite and bring them back to the Republican front”To do this, she will hold two public meetings and distribute leaflets with her team in Poitiers and… in her town.

The presence of Séverine Saint-Pé in the second round does not change anything for Emmanuelle Darles (28.93%), despite the 43 vote difference between the two candidates. “Voters must not be fooled: she represents Macronie. People must know who they are voting for”warns, by telephone, the candidate invested by the RN, busy preparing the campaign internally with her activists.

The teacher-researcher intends to increase her actions in the field with complete discretion, ” For safety reasons “and engage in media debates with his two opponents. “I will be able to defend values ​​and convictions”she believes. It is also an opportunity to denounce the labels of antivax and conspiracy theorist used against her. “My academic freedom must be respected. I am a scientist and criticizing a health policy is not being a conspiracy theorist.”

Lisa Belluco calls for doing even better than in 2022

Although leading with a score “which comforts me and gives me all my legitimacy”Lisa Belluco (33.14%) called on her troops, gathered at 7 p.m. at the Poitiers office of Europe Écologie-Les Verts, not to let up the pressure. “Everything will be used against us. We must be as exemplary as possible.”she warns. Refusing to comment on the choice of Séverine Saint-Pé, the outgoing MP only wants two things: “To do better than in the second round two years ago and show that we are at home here.”

The Green Party representative will spend the week ploughing the ground: distributing leaflets at the Couronneries market, door-to-door with political figures, etc. This Tuesday, July 2, she will also host a public meeting at 8:30 p.m. at the Salle des Écluzelles in Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, before a public festival and a visit to the farm.



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