The crash of the ambitions of Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, “the minister of Marseille”, in the legislative elections

The Secretary of State for Citizenship and the City, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, during her campaign for the legislative elections in Bouches-du-Rhône, in Marseille, June 21, 2024. NICOLAS DUCAT / AFP

In the queue to cast her ballot, Sunday, June 30, between noon and two, at the Bombardière gymnasium, in the eastern districts of Marseille, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache still believed in it. A smile here, a selfie there.

Follow our live stream: 2024 legislative elections: among the 169 current withdrawals before the second round, a very strong majority of left-wing candidates

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And this Coué method that the Secretary of State for the City and Citizenship applied since the beginning of a campaign that she knew was undermined. People welcome me well. They are warm ” she explained. Before adding, more cautiously: “ But to say that this will be reflected in the ballot boxes… »

Ten hours later, it was in front of the steps of her office that the 47-year-old elected official from Marseille confirmed her defeat in the first constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. With 23.6% of the vote, she finished third behind the candidate of the National Rally (RN), who obtained 45.5%, and that of the New Popular Front (26.9%), during the first round of the legislative elections.

Read also (2022): Article reserved for our subscribers 2022 Legislative Elections: Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, “Macron’s friend”, appointed to represent the majority in Marseille

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In the process, the protégé of the Macron couple announced her withdrawal and asked her voters not to give “ no voice in the National Rally ». « It was not even imaginable that I could maintain myself. A defeat happens. Dishonor, we never get over it “, argues this daughter of Algerian immigrants who likes to point out that she grew up in a deprived neighborhood. A statement that her left-wing opponent, the national secretary of Place publique, Pascaline Lécorché, welcomes without excess, still shocked to have been violently targeted and accused of anti-Semitism by the Secretary of State and her teams during the campaign.

Deprived of many supports

While the RN remains favorite to win its constituency in the second round on July 7, will Sabrina Agresti-Roubache recover from a defeat which will cost her her place in government? His failure in the legislative elections is the first of a meteoric political career, closely linked to his proximity to Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron. A journey that began in 2020, during the regional elections in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, where its presence was imposed by the Elysée on outgoing president Renaud Muselier.

The defeat of the former audiovisual professional especially jeopardizes the ambition that she displayed more and more clearly for her city, during the municipal elections of 2026, with in particular the creation of her micro-party “With Sabrina!”. It’s never over as long as you believe in it “, she assured her activists on Sunday evening. Without specifying whether the formula concerned her investment in politics.

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