François-Xavier Dugourd: a resolute commitment to a republican right

François-Xavier Dugourd: a resolute commitment to a republican right
François-Xavier Dugourd: a resolute commitment to a republican right

In a press release issued on July 1, 2024, François-Xavier Dugourd, a prominent figure of the Republican right, expressed his reaction to the results of the first round of elections, marked by a significant change in the French political landscape.

At the national level, voters placed the National Rally (RN) and the New Popular Front in the lead, a sign of growing polarization in the public debate. Despite an increase in the number of votes since 2022, François-Xavier Dugourd noted that he would not be able to reach the second round in his constituency, a result that he accepts with lucidity and determination.

Leading this fight in a polarized political context and a national debate reduced to tripartism, I knew that it would not be easy.“, said Dugourd, stressing the importance of defending the values ​​of a republican right, independent, of firmness, freedom and responsibility.

The candidate wanted to express his gratitude to all those who supported his campaign, in particular the voters, his deputy Catherine Renosi, as well as his team. “Since I became involved in politics, I have never considered the votes cast on me as belonging to me.“, he added, emphasizing his respect for the free choice of voters.

On a personal level, François-Xavier Dugourd reaffirmed his attachment to republican principles, refusing any compromise with the extremes and populists. He strongly criticized the left-wing alliance with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom he accused of anti-Semitism and wanting to destroy French institutions. Likewise, he denounced the program deemed “demagogic” and “moving” of the National Rally, which, according to him, could plunge France into chaos and impoverishment.

Looking to the future, François-Xavier Dugourd announced his intention to actively contribute to the rebuilding of the Republican right. His goal is clear: to offer the French a coherent political project adapted to their expectations for the upcoming deadlines, while seeking to bring out a national leader capable of carrying this vision.

Through this statement, François-Xavier Dugourd reaffirms his unwavering commitment to republican values ​​and his determination to play an essential role in the political renewal of the French right.



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