Legislative. In Nantes-Rezé, Astrid Lusson (LR) appeals to the “common sense” of voters in the 2nd round

Legislative. In Nantes-Rezé, Astrid Lusson (LR) appeals to the “common sense” of voters in the 2nd round
Legislative. In Nantes-Rezé, Astrid Lusson (LR) appeals to the “common sense” of voters in the 2nd round

After this first campaign in the legislative elections, the candidate Astrid Lusson, supported by Les Républicains, believes that she has nothing to be ashamed of in her score of 8.34% in the fourth constituency of Loire-Atlantique, even if it does not allow her to reach the second round.

“My goal was to reach at least 5%, says this assistant in charge of cultural life in Bouguenais, elected since 2020. I was keen to propose an alternative between the two extremes and the presidential majority. I am happy with the campaign. I recently entered the political landscape. Given the context, it was not easy to leave. It was a very intense campaign, but also very short, with little time to make itself known. With around ten people to help me, when some candidates had fifteen times more people. »

Read also: Legislative. Participation, gaps, breakthrough of the RN… In Nantes-Rezé, the key figures of the first round

“I appeal to common sense”

At 47, Astrid Lusson salutes “an enriching first experience”, suggesting that this commitment may lead to others.

Quid of the second round, for which a three-way race is looming in this constituency which placed the outgoing left-wing MP largely in the lead (46.83%), ahead of the candidates from the centre (22.66%) and the far right (20.06%)? “I appeal to the common sense of citizens to vote with their soul and conscience. »

Considering himself as “moderate”, Astrid Lusson reserves the right to be more explicit if her party, which she joined during this campaign, decides to give voting instructions.



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