The Peasant Confederation has chosen to show the Prefect and his dedicated services one example among others of a farm engaged in peasant agriculture. It is indeed one of the founding values of our union which aims to respond to the challenges that our society faces. How to enable numerous farmers to make a decent living from their work on as many farms as possible across the territory, for quality production, by promoting local resources while preserving biodiversity. Everything is a matter of balance and complementarity between the different workshops present, the quality of the soils, the choice of suitable breeds and species, the work of promoting the products. Another important element is the search for the greatest autonomy at the scale of the farm and the territory. The objective is to use as little input as possible and to be as autonomous as possible in one's choices and decision-making. This is what the members of the GAEC of Mondély were able to show, for three hours, a relatively modest-sized farm, less than 50 ha, which allows 4 partners to make a living from their work, for the production of goat's milk. valued in AB in the form of cheeses sold locally. This ruminant breeding is obviously based on the production of grazed grass but also harvested at the best stage and dried in a barn. Finally, cereals are purchased from an Ariège cooperative to supplement the ration. Far from wanting to highlight the model to follow, this afternoon aimed to show that peasant agriculture was accessible to the greatest number of people and in which many farmers in the department can identify. We welcome the presence of Mr Christophe Pillon, mayor of La Bastide de Sérou and can only regret that he is the only elected official, despite the invitation made by the prefect. Elected officials did not come to see on the ground that our proposals can enable a good number of farmers to overcome recurring crises. However, the agricultural question seems to interest them, MP Panifous was present last Monday evening at the symbolic blockade of the Foix tunnel, organized by the FDSEA/JA to denounce the proposed Mercosur agreement…
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