The Alès Aggl’Eau 2030 plan is underway

The Alès Aggl’Eau 2030 plan is underway
The Alès Aggl’Eau 2030 plan is underway

A large-scale hydraulic project in Sénéchas, a town of 250 inhabitants. The work just started in June.

Since June, the services of RéAAL (Régie des Eaux de l’Agglomération Alésienne) have been on deck with their technical partners to refurbish the drinking water network of the commune of Sénéchas. “The pipes leak a lot, the network’s efficiency is less than 40%”, testify Gaëtan Coine and Valérie Malnuit, “investment” operations managers at RéAAL. “The renewal work was a priority in order to preserve the water resource and offer a good level of service to the population”.

The project primarily concerns the connection of the two reservoirs, “Chalap” and “Les Fourches”, with an operation in the countryside, on a hilly route. Then it will be necessary to resume the network in the village, as well as all the connections to homes. In total, 4.3 km of pipes will be renewed until the first quarter of 2025 using PVC pipes, which are much more durable. It should be noted that 2.5 km of the network were already renewed last year in Sénéchas.

As part of a partnership concluded in 2022 to improve the performance of the network in so-called “rural revitalization” areas, this work, worth €810,000, is 70% subsidized by the Rhône Water Agency. Mediterranean Corsica and 10% by the Departmental Council. The remaining 20% ​​is covered by Alès Agglomération.

“This project, although necessary and a priority, could never have been undertaken by the municipality alone; its budget would not have allowed it, assures René Meurtin, the mayor of the municipality. It is one of the strengths of the inter-municipality with Alès Agglomération, to bring solidarity into play. We benefit from it today”. Thus, since 2020, as part of the Alès Aggl’Eau 2030 plan, no less than €20 million has been invested each year by Alès Agglomération in the municipalities, in order to renew the water networks, always with the aim of securing the drinking water supply and preserving the resource.

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