2024 Legislative Elections. In the North-East of Lorient, Four Offices Place the RN in the Lead

2024 Legislative Elections. In the North-East of Lorient, Four Offices Place the RN in the Lead
2024 Legislative Elections. In the North-East of Lorient, Four Offices Place the RN in the Lead

« If poverty continues, I too will vote for the National Rally », assures Yann, in advance for his meeting at France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) in Kerfichant, a district of Lorient (Morbihan), this Monday 1is July 2024. The 57-year-old director of qualitative studies has been voting on the left for years, “ by reflex and by convenience “, and said to be ” no complaints “. But he castigates the “ moralistic posture » taken in front of the voters of the RN, that “ Despair leads to all extremes ».

In Lorient, four polling stations (out of 42) placed Aurélie Le Goff, candidate of the National Rally, at the top of Sunday’s legislative elections, with scores of 36.2% to 41%. Offices located on the outskirts of the city, to the north and northeast, around Kerfichant and Bourgneuf. A sector where the far right regularly achieves its best scores.

“Now, it’s more assumed”

Stéphane, in his fifties, notes this however: “ The Kerfichant district is quiet and relatively well-off. » For the job seeker, « this is conservatism ” : people ” are not directly threatened, but want to make sure there are no waves ».

In the Intermarché car park, Léa* notes that ” people are fed up ». « Before, they did not say that they were voting for the National Rally.recalls the shopkeeper. Now, it’s more assumed. »

Facing the Kerfichant school, Maryse says to herself: disappointed with the results » in Lorient, and « does not know what environmentalists have to offer “. The retiree, who is waiting for her bus, implies her vote of the day before, when she announces what she finds priority: “ purchasing power and security ».



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