Patrick Alexandre, the NFP-LFI candidate withdraws

Patrick Alexandre, the NFP-LFI candidate withdraws
Patrick Alexandre, the NFP-LFI candidate withdraws

The second round of the legislative elections will pit, in the constituency of Saumur Nord, Edouard Bourgeault, RN candidate who came in first with 37.84% of the vote, against Anne-Laure Blin, outgoing LR MP, who obtained 23.87% of the vote. Patrick Alexandre, third in the first round with 19.92% for the NFP and qualified for the second round, has decided to withdraw to block the far right. He explains in a press release.

“No vote for the National Rally candidate”

The results are in, the figures are there and I consider the 19.92% obtained in this first round of voting to be a good result thanks to the mobilization of the entire progressive left.

I arrive in third position just behind Anne-Laure Blin, LR, but very far from Edouard Bourgeault, RN, who obtains the worrying score of 37.84%. This configuration of the second round obliges me, and as Jean-Luc Mélenchon indicated last night, my decision must allow the best possible Republican barrier to the far right, I am therefore withdrawing from this legislative election.

I have complete confidence in my voters to find the way that suits them best so that no votes go to the National Rally candidate.

A reminder of the dark hours of history

To conclude, to those who consider that we must give the extreme right a chance because they have never governed, I say: the big roundup at the Vélodrome d’Hiver in July 1942 was the police of the French state of Philippe Pétain, sending more than 13,000 people, many of them women and children, to death camps. It was this same Vichy France which in October 1943 created the Charlemagne Division, a French Waffen SS unit fighting for the Reich, and of which Pierre Bousquet and Léon Gaultier, founders with Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front, were members. History is watching us…concludes the Insoumis of the New Popular Front.



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