Duel of Fleurian (RN) / Dumont (LR) for the second round in the 7th constituency of Pas-de-Calais

Priscilla Vandeville
07:50 – July 1, 2024

Five candidates presented themselves for these early legislative elections in the 7th constituency which extends from Oye-Plage to Sangatte Blériot-Plage via Audruicq and Calais. And it is ultimately a duel between the outgoing deputy and the RN candidate which will take place next Sunday.

Details with Priscilla Vandeville:

Marc de Fleurian, the candidate of the National Rally, municipal councilor in Calais and community councilor in Grand Calais Terres et Mers is leading the race in this first round with 47.86% of the votes. Until the last minute, we even thought that he would be elected in the first round given the results which fell in many municipalities in Calais.

Outgoing Republican MP Pierre-Henri Dumont came in second with 33.75% of the vote. The two candidates will face off next Sunday.

In third place and not qualified for the second round, the ecologist Jean-Pierre Moussally, the candidate of the New Popular Front, municipal councilor in Calais and community councilor in Grand Calais Terres et Mers, who collected 16.28% of the votes, but did not pass the 12.5% ​​mark of registered voters. He called “to vote against the RN”. Olivier Carraud of Lutte Ouvrière only obtained 1.24% of the votes and Jérôme Judek for Reconquête 0.87% of the votes.

Enthusiastic reaction from Marc de Fleurian last night on Priscilla Vandeville’s RADIO 6 microphone.

For his part, Pierre-Henri Dumont has no doubts about his success next Sunday and is counting on his record and his experience.

The second round of the early legislative elections will therefore take place on Sunday July 7. Qualified candidates have until Tuesday evening to submit their application to the prefecture or sub-prefecture.



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