Quimper: American football and cycling in Agathe’s eyes

Quimper: American football and cycling in Agathe’s eyes
Quimper: American football and cycling in Agathe’s eyes


Matthieu Gain

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 4:35 p.m.

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She arrived on tiptoe at the Kelted, the American football club of Quimper (Finistère). By taking photos in the stands! Step by step, Agathe Donnard found her feet at the Créac’h Gwen stadium and then made contact with the club’s players and staff. “I’m very shy, I didn’t dare too much,” says the 27-year-old.

She has since taken out a license at the club, confides Nicolas Diazthe vice-president of Kelted. “Agathe is one of our volunteers and to thank them, we offer them sandwiches and drinks at matches, but Agathe never asks for anything.”

Super Bowl

American football, she came to it through one of the most watched events in the world: the final of the Super Bowlthe North American championship.

I told myself that I had to watch it at least once to understand the hype around this meeting.

Agathe Donnard.

In France, this means spending a sleepless night in front of the TV since the match is broadcast at 2 a.m. “In this discipline, I like everything.”

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A family of cyclists

Agathe Donnard, 27, is passionate about photography. ©Matthieu GAIN

For three years, this laboratory assistant has been shooting the Kelteds.

She is also in charge of volunteer communications for the Quimper sports bike (VSQ). His parents and his brother were graduates of the VSQ.

On Sunday, at the races, I had to keep busy. I started photography at the age of 11. My parents gave me a Nikon D5000 in 2013 which I still have.

Agathe Donnard.

Photography has become more than a hobby, as evidenced by the tattoo of a camera on one of his forearms.

Her style? Agathe Donnard, who has never taken lessons, struggles to define it. “I try to have an artistic look. Natural, without retouching.” In short, authentic.

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