Legislative elections 2024. The National Rally in the lead: reactions in Côte-d’Or

Legislative elections 2024. The National Rally in the lead: reactions in Côte-d’Or
Legislative elections 2024. The National Rally in the lead: reactions in Côte-d’Or

“The first round of the legislative elections that has just ended was marked by a record turnout for over 45 years. We would like to thank all the voters who came out to make their voices heard.

We want to thank and congratulate all the “Together for the Republic” candidates who fought for their values ​​and for our country, and we renew all our encouragement to all our candidates present in the second round. They benefited from the strongest political momentum since the European elections, with an increase of more than 5 points in 3 weeks for our political family.

We recall that we demonstrated, from the first round, a spirit of responsibility which led us not to nominate candidates in more than 60 constituencies where the risk of extremes was too great and where our presence would not have led to than to strengthen it.

Tonight’s results confirm the position that has always been ours: the left is paying for its alliance with LFI, known for its anti-republican excesses. Given the results of the first round, the “New Popular Front” alliance is not in a position to win on July 7 and will not be able to govern the country, alone and in its current form.

With projections of over 200 seats for the RN, the only real risk today is that the National Rally will be able to obtain an absolute majority the day after the second round.

With all our might, we say it: we cannot leave the keys to the country to the far right. Everything about its project, its values, its history, make it an unacceptable threat against which we must fight.

We therefore clearly call for the National Rally to be defeated by choosing candidates who clearly and unambiguously defend the values ​​of the Republic.

In several hundred constituencies, it is the “Together for the Republic” candidates who are the best bulwarks of the National Rally, and we therefore call on all voters attached to these values ​​to trust them.

In other constituencies, notably those where our candidates came in 3rd position, we will withdraw in favor of candidates able to beat the National Rally and with whom we share the essential: the values ​​of the Republic.

Faced with the threat of a victory for the extreme right, we call on all political groups to act responsibly and do the same.

For us, the objective is clear: to win as many “Together for the Republic” candidates as possible, to form a powerful republican movement, and therefore prevent the RN from being able to govern the country, including through republican withdrawals.

We remain convinced that our candidates are the only ones who can organize around themselves an ambitious movement of all Republicans who wish to protect our country from the disastrous projects of the extreme right, to protect the French from tax increases and economic ruin. which awaits them with a victory for the RN, and protect France from the chaos which awaits it if we do nothing.

On July 7, let’s choose the candidates Together for the Republic.

On July 7, let’s choose France. »



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