AGEEM: we’ll meet in St-Brieuc!

AGEEM: we’ll meet in St-Brieuc!
AGEEM: we’ll meet in St-Brieuc!

On July 3, 4 and 5, 2024, we will be present at the 97th national congress of AGEEM (General Association of Teachers of Public Schools and Kindergartens), in Saint-Brieuc. This year, the theme of the congress is: “En corps encore”.

In body again!

AGEEM (General Association of Teachers of Public Schools and Kindergarten Classes) is a dynamic and committed association which works to improve education in France. It brings together nursery school teachers around common values ​​of sharing and educational innovation.

At the heart of our educational mission is the profound belief that every child deserves a well-rounded and well-rounded education.

Maryse Chrétien, President of AGEEM.

The body at the center of learning

This year, teachers attending the conference will be happy to explore the latest educational innovations, share their experiences and learn new practices around the theme “En corps encore”.

The body is a learning tool for all children. Through their bodies, they discover the world, experiment and develop their motor skills. They thus acquire physical, cognitive, emotional and social skills.

Sports and motor skills activities are also one of the ways to develop essential values ​​such as cooperation, difference and respect.

Outdoor activities, whether in nature or during recess, also offer an opportunity for physical and sensory learning. Thus, by integrating movement into each facet of teaching, teachers give children the means to grow in a balance between body, mind and emotion.

>> Discover the complete AGEEM program

Our presence at the 97th AGEEM congress

Each child has their own uniqueness, their own rhythm, their own needs. So naturally, not every child responds in the same way to traditional teaching. By making the classroom more inclusive, more flexible, teachers enable the educational needs of children to be accommodated while avoiding their frustrations and revealing their potential.

So to adopt an adapted and inclusive teaching practice, we organized our stand so that each teacher can find the necessary tools corresponding to their students while following the educational innovations around the theme of the congress.

The body at the center of learning

On our stand, teachers will find sensorimotor games, dynamic seats to encourage the sensorimotor activity of students.

Child cognitive development

Because we learn best by manipulating, teachers will find in this space games to develop executive functions, tools for teaching mathematics with the Singapore method, reading with the Alphas method or even language games.

Prepare and get ready to write

Here, we will be talking about tools that promote teaching through the haptic approach. It consists of exploring and exploiting the sense of touch to learn letters. Activities in which students can touch, explore, etc. allow children to be actors in their discoveries. For this reason, they are more enthusiastic and reinvest their knowledge more easily in situations that vary.

We also created a fine motor skills box for children to practice different aspects of their motor skills.

Learn through the body… to start

What if we let children explore and experiment with exploration bins? Usable indoors as well as outdoors for outdoor schooling, the bins adapt to all educational ideas and settings.

Aim for everyone’s success

So that all children can flourish, at every moment of school, we will offer adapted games and tools that draw on each person’s potential. Therefore, let us favor an approach which is based on the observation of the student’s potential, the identification of their learning needs in order to propose corresponding educational adaptations!

Position of the teacher’s body, impact on emotions

Here we will offer various games and tools to develop students’ emotional intelligence.

Educating empathy through the body

Empathy is the ability to identify one’s emotions and those of others. It is also the ability to put oneself in someone’s shoes, at least partially. There is an emotional dimension and a cognitive dimension in empathy. It has all its interest in our society.

Today, with the rise in school bullying, an empathetic attitude would be a trigger for change. Here, we will offer tools to awaken children and students to empathy.

See you in Saint-Brieuc! the opportunity to discuss your needs together and discover all our innovative solutions for inclusive nursery classes!



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