Bordeaux: Two new sectors are pedestrianized from today

Bordeaux: Two new sectors are pedestrianized from today
Bordeaux: Two new sectors are pedestrianized from today

New emblematic districts of Bordeaux become pedestrianized

Since 2020, the pedestrian sector has been expanding in Bordeaux. This year again, the system continues with the commissioning of new terminals in 4 sectors of the hyper-center. With the ambition to achieve 250 hectares of pedestrian area by 2026, the City of Bordeaux is gradually extending its areas reserved for pedestrians and soft mobility. From today, the sectors Saint-Eloi and Pey-Berland join the list.

The following are concerned: the rue Buhan, rue des Herbes, rue Ravez, rue de la Porte St Jean, rue de la Chapelle St Jean, rue de la Rousselle, rue Sainte Colombe, rue du Vieux Marché, impasse Fauré, Place Fernand Lafargue and Rue du Pas St Georges for the first. And rue Elisée Reclus, rue Dufau, rue des Frères Bonie, rue Cabirol, impasse des Minimettes, place Rohan, rue du Marèchal Joffre and rue du Commandant Arnould for the second.

Towards a less polluted and greener city

Objectives of this initiative which is gaining ground? Promote and secure soft mobilityto offer all passers-by safe and less polluted spaces (the city knows a 28% drop in pollution since 2020) and reserve access for motorized vehicles to local residents and professionals. Only holders of an access card to the restricted area (residents, local residents, emergency vehicles or exceptional transport of an emergency nature) will be able to access it.

Two new perimeters will enter pedestrian mode on September 2, 2024 at 12 p.m.: Mably and Bouffard-Montbazon-Nacel Penard.

All the info here



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