TOULON: Presentation of the projects of the Paroles d’enfants system

TOULON: Presentation of the projects of the Paroles d’enfants system
TOULON: Presentation of the projects of the Paroles d’enfants system

The child delegates from the leisure centers will present the projects they have worked on throughout the school year on Wednesday June 19, 2024, from 2:15 p.m., in the Municipal Council room.

This Wednesday, June 19, the children delegated from the municipal leisure centers will present to the elected officials the actions they have carried out during their year. These projects are part of the Paroles d’enfants program, supported by the City since 2013 and which is part of the Child-Friendly City partnership approach. These delegates are responsible for collecting the words of the little Toulonians and then designing different projects on themes that are renewed each year. For 2023-2024, the children worked on solidarity, intergenerational and road safety. The objective of this program is to introduce 6-11 year-olds to democracy, to promote citizenship and the involvement of young people in the life of the city.
They have worked, with their group of leisure centers, every Wednesday since their election last September. This Wednesday, June 19, the child delegates will present to the City’s elected officials the achievements of their year of work. During this school year, the little ones from Toulon worked on 3 themes: intergenerational for all 11 leisure centers. In partnership with the Seniors center and the Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS), young people carried out various cultural, historical or sporting activities. Several of them were able to talk with their elders about the Liberation of Toulon while making the pennants of the forces engaged during the Landing of Provence. Sewing, but also orienteering or tournaments
pétanque punctuated these intergenerational meetings. In addition to this theme, the kids of Strassel and Saint Dominique worked on solidarity and road safety respectively. The delegates of Strassel organized a toy collection, toys that found a second life with the Emmaüs association. In Saint-Dominique, road safety was placed at the heart of the center’s action. Two aspects, one educational through road signs and the other fun, were addressed. They built a removable karting track and organized pedal kart and soapbox races.
The election of child delegates from municipal leisure centres is a real initiation to democracy carried out within the framework of the Child-Friendly City partnership approach and the “Parole d’enfants” scheme.
Established in 2013, this action aims to encourage children to participate in the life of reception structures. In total, 22 children, delegates and substitutes, are elected by their classmates for a term that lasts for the duration of the school year.
These delegates are responsible for collecting the words of the young Toulon residents registered every Wednesday in the recreation centers and giving their opinions on different themes. Through regular exchanges with the elected representatives of the municipal council, they design and implement projects on environmental protection, solidarity or heritage. The objective of this system is to introduce 6-11 year-olds to democracy, to promote citizenship and the involvement of young people in the life of the city.

The children delegated from the municipal leisure centres will present their projects to the elected officials of Toulon, including • Valérie Mondone, deputy mayor in charge of the Family Center.

Wednesday June 19 – 2:15 p.m.
André Seguin Hall (municipal council room)
City Hall.



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