“resistance”, call to “block”, “don’t be afraid”… The first reactions in Dordogne

“resistance”, call to “block”, “don’t be afraid”… The first reactions in Dordogne
“resistance”, call to “block”, “don’t be afraid”… The first reactions in Dordogne

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Clément Tonon, Horizons candidate (former presidential majority) in Périgueux and in the Isle valley, reacted a little later in the evening to Pascale Martin’s call: for him, by not giving a voting instruction in favor of France Insoumise, the leader of his party, Édouard Philippe, gave him “an additional reason to consider staying in the race.” According to the partial results, at the start of the evening, he was in 3rd position with 23.28%, behind Pascale Martin (27.97%) and Nadine Lechon (National Rally, more than 40%) and a three-way race was therefore announced in the 1st constituency.

Delphine Labail, socialist mayor of Périgueux: “In the city of Périgueux, it is a double satisfaction to see that the candidate of the left is well in the lead and that the candidate of the right, finally of the presidential majority, is ahead of the National Rally, whose score remains contained in Périgueux. We must mobilize to block the RN in the second round. What we are waiting for is for the entire Republican bloc to call to vote for the only candidate who can beat the RN, Pascale Martin, the outgoing MP who has demonstrated her qualities. The left has never trembled, the right must not tremble and give up. »

Serge Muller, candidate of the National Rally, outgoing deputy for the 2nd constituency of Dordogne, came first this Sunday, June 30 in the first round. “This vote is the fruit of my involvement, my work and my humility. I tell people ”don’t be afraid to vote for me”, ”don’t succumb to the sirens of the left”: it’s a vote for change, we have an obligation to results and we will implement our program. Even if I only have one candidate facing me, that doesn’t really worry me, because I won the duel in 2022 with a 300-vote lead. And after the second round, the Bergeracois will have a majority deputy listening to them, a grassroots deputy. »

Christophe Cathus, New Popular Front (socialist) candidate, arrived in 2nd position in the 2nd constituency, analyzes the results: “I achieve 28% like the New Popular Front at the national level, it is a good base on which to rely to win. I believe it is entirely possible. I call on Michel Delpon (Ensemble) to withdraw and join us for the victory of the Republican arc. Bring together, mobilize, convince, this is our motto, particularly with regard to rural communities who deserve to be heard. I am a mayor of these municipalities and I am convinced that another path is possible. We will all work on it together. »

Michel Delpon, candidate Ensemble (Renaissance) in the 2nd constituency, having come in 3rd place with 19.58% of the vote behind Serge Muller (RN) and Christophe Cathus (New Popular Front, Socialist Party), said this Sunday evening that he had not yet “decided anything” about whether he would remain in the second round. “We need to analyse the results to see if it is possible to make progress. We have a reserve of votes, particularly on the Republican side, while Serge Muller no longer has any. For the moment, we have not received any instructions from Paris. We will decide on Monday morning.” We will then know whether there is a three-way race or a duel in Bergerac.

Josie Bayle, Les Républicains candidate for the 2nd constituency, arriving in 4th position with 8.01%, notes: “We cannot go against the RN wave. » And to elaborate: “These elections were rushed, but I absolutely wanted someone to represent Les Républicains, not Éric Ciotti’s party. I’m happy, because we still make 10% in the town of Bergerac. We knew it would be difficult, we can’t go against the wave. For the rest, we will think about the attitude to have for the second round. We’ll see but it’s a reality, we don’t want extremes. »

> Find all our articles on the legislative elections in Dordogne

Florence Joubert, National Rally candidate, who came first in the 3rd constituency, did not hide his satisfaction this Sunday evening: “It’s an exceptional result for an exceptional participation. We have all our candidates in mind in the four constituencies. I am surprised even if this is ultimately what we have been observing for a long time, with each election we go up, we go up. Now we will have to convert all of that on Sunday July 7. The game is not over: we will see who stays on and who withdraws. For the 3rd constituency, I don’t know what Jean-Pierre Cubertafon will do [NDLR : le candidat Modem en ballottage à 23,33 %]. But if he withdraws, it could be the far left in power. »

Christelle Druillole, candidate of the New Popular Front (Socialist Party), arriving in 2nd position in Périgord Vert, said she was very “happy” with her result this Sunday evening. But “despite everything, I regret that the RN candidate [NDLR : Florence Joubert]whose face is unknown to most voters, scores so highly [NDLR : 40,13 %]. Especially in our constituency, land of resistance. I hear this anger, but I cannot understand why voters do not trust us with our program that brings hope. I trust Jean-Pierre [NDLR : Cubertafon, candidat Modem, à 23,33 %], we are Republicans. I hope he will back down and give us his support. Because without that, the election is over. »

Jean-Pierre Cubertafon, Modem/Ensemble candidate, outgoing MP, who came in 3rd position in Périgord Vert said he was “disappointed and even amazed by the RN’s score, 40%, with a candidate we never see and don’t know”: “I think I did the job, I went into the field a lot. I think that at the national level, we missed something. I will say on Monday what I plan to do for the second round. »

Sébastien Peytavie, New Popular Front candidate (Generation. s) and outgoing MP for the 4th constituency, who came in 2nd place behind the RN Dominique Marchaudon, denounces: “The RN program is a scam. In a short time, this is the second election where the RN has finished in the lead. In Borrèze, the RN won 20 more votes than in the last elections. There is not a 10-point gap between us, like in Périgueux, Bergerac or Nontron. Here, there are still 65% of voters who did not vote RN.” And to promise: “We will go and get the votes one by one. I just hope that all the Democrats and Republicans do not want to see, 80 years after the Landing, an RN MP in our constituency. What is terrible is the rise of this party with a number of voters higher than in the European elections. I am therefore calling for a blockade.”

Jérôme Peyrat, various center candidate in the 4th constituency, in 3rd position with 16.64% but eliminated in the Périgord Noir constituency: “Even if I had been able to maintain myself, I would not have done it. I consider myself lucky to have been able to achieve 16% against two steamrollers who play on anger and fears by offering easy solutions. Now, we, elected officials, administrations, decision-makers, must question ourselves about the discourse we are giving. The 16% of people who trusted me are reasonable and know what they have to do. Personally, I will block the RN. I was not a fan of “neither-nor” when it came to it. Especially in the face of a ghostly candidate. »

Anne-Catherine Balland, Les Républicains candidate for the 4th constituency, came in 4th position with 7.65% of the votes, first wanted to “thank the voters” who trusted him. “Coming 4th for a first participation isn’t bad, isn’t it? (smile). I am not surprised by the result. By doing stupid things at the head of state, we arrive at this. Give voting instructions? I have to think about it. But we don’t hold hands with voters. First of all, if I was told who to vote for, I would do the opposite. »

Jean-Jacques de Peretti, mayor of Sarlat (various centers), delivers his on-the-spot analysis: “The result is consistent with the European ones. In May 68, I was a student. At the time, France was bored. Today, France is stressed by purchasing power and insecurity. So, the French are voting for the National Rally. My line of conduct has always been not to vote for the National Front or Rally. In 2002, many left-wing voters voted for Chirac. My old party will have to rebuild itself from the ashes. I am convinced that Sébastien Peytavie will be elected. It cannot be otherwise in the land of La Boétie. In the second round, we look primarily at the candidates, not the parties. »

Germinal Peiro, (socialist) president of the Departmental Council, even if he is “not surprised by the RN’s score”, assures that “the match is not over in the four constituencies of Dordogne”. “My position has been the same for eight days. Faced with the danger of seeing the RN access Matignon, we must withdraw. And vote for the candidates who will be facing the RN. But withdrawing is not simply saying not a single vote for the RN; it is calling for a vote! Whatever the party facing the RN. We must prevent France from falling into the hands of the Le Pen family.”



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